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Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 02 янв 2016 15:44
The Dark Army: Uprising was released last Wednesday and received mixed reviews upon release, although it has a majority of good reviews.
To be frank with you all, I'm not satisfied of the modification: it has a lot of bugs/glitches, mainly related to the development but also to the engine.
I can promise that all of these will be fixed with an upcoming re-release... but that's not all: the modification will require the original retail game in order to avoid any copyright issues.

» Answer to the Russian community
First of all, I want to say sorry to the Russian community: the development has been rushed on some parts and I agree it's not complete. I also want to thank Eugeny Panikarowsky for pointing many of the illogical moments of the mod (especially in The Crypt) as well as AidenDemon for pointing out credit-related mistakes and errors. I want to apologize towards both of them as I agree with their respective reviews. I also agree on the point I've been over-promoting this mod in order to get attention from the community. It won't happen again. Also, I believe this project was revealed too early. This time, for future projects such as the mod's second part, I won't reveal anything until there's a month before release.

» Modification retrieved from Mod DB — back February 20
The modification's gonna be retrieved from Mod DB as another -revised- version (currently in the works) will be uploaded.
This new version, baptized 2.0, will see all current bugs/glitches fixed.
It will be available on Mod DB as of February 20, next month.
As it is right now, it's a shame it's available.

» Scheduled fixes
Alright now is the time to show the scheduled fixes of this modification.

01 – Unbreakable windows will be breakable

02 – Inside environments will be remade

03 – First dynamite will be moved

04 – Stuck soldier (near lamp) will be moved

05 – Introduction scene will be added

06 – Ambient light will be fixed

07 – Inside places will have light

08 – Unfindable secret area will be fixed

09 – Unbreakable boards/wall objects will be breakable

10 – Other elements will be breakable

11 – First secret area will be harder to access

12 – Generator objective replaced with switch to get to the sewers

13 – Repeatable puzzle-related cinematic scene glitch will be fixed

14 – Unreadable text documents will be readable

15 – Unbreakable windows will be breakable

16 – Illogical moments will be removed/replaced

17 – Some cinematic scenes to help the player will be added

18 – Zombie spawns will be fixed

19 – Soldiers in the elevator won’t be blocked

20 – Water will be removed

21 – Cinematic scenes will be more user-helpful

22 – Bugged bullet-proof windows will be replaced

23 – One cinematic-scene will be added

24 – Venom-trooper will be fixed

25 – Ending stats will be fixed

The Base
26 – Prototype-soldiers’ textures fixed

27 – Super-soldiers’ textures fixed

28 – Player on fire -until death- bug will be fixed (thanks to 1.42d engine update)

29 – Unable-to-jump player bug will be fixed (thanks to 1.42d engine update)

30 – Other engine related bugs will be fixed (thanks to 1.42d engine update)

31 – On-screen elements will get bigger/larger (no more blind)

32 – Credits menu will be added

33 – On-screen elements will get bigger/larger (no more blind)

34 – Restart option won’t retrieve (all) your equipment anymore

35 – Area Map page activated in the notebook

36 – Close button added in the notebook

37 – Objective-checks will be more viewable in the notebook

38 – Objective-checks will be better-placed in the notebook

39 – Weapon sounds will be replaced with better ones

40 – Credits will be fixed accordingly (everybody will be there this time)

41 – Contributors will be placed correctly in the Credits

42 – Original Return to Castle Wolfenstein game will be needed to play

43 – .ROQ introduction will be added

» Upcoming RtCW stuff coming to Mod DB — weapons/models

Weapons and other models exclusive to this modification will be made available for the original game from this website.
That includes weapons, lockers, medical boxes/kits, lens-flares... and it will be free to use, to share and to modify.
You won't necessarily need to credit-me if you're using my stuff; I don't care about that until your releases are free.

Thanks everyone and happy new year.
Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 03 янв 2016 15:59
Happy new year TITEUF-85. I'm sure you will get a good improvement to your mod. Be careful with new 1.42d version! Iortcw 1.42d it's a little bugged yet, and some default shaders don't work ( invisible xlabs metal web floors and others..) and there are some little gliches on sounds on weapons, alarms and other things, but fortunately it is really playable and in a perfect 16:9 ratio. So it need a good test.
Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 04 янв 2016 18:51
Horst писал(а):
Ну что же. Все уровни пройдены. Можно подвести итоги:
1. Со светом автор переборщил. Всё кислотно яркое.
2. AI слишком тупые. Это не юьбер солдаты, а фольксштурм какой-то.
3. Атмосфера напрочь потеряна. Это не Вольфенштайн.
P.S. Кстати Eugeny, AidenDemon, Ronboy and Vicpas есть в титрах. Вы тоже приложили к этому руку?

Текстуры дефолтного оружия там мои, некоторые текстуры мелочей интерьера тоже мои. Текстуры стен и ящиков Жени. Текстура перчаток вообще одного чувака с геймбананы.
На счет приложить руку, так никто не прикладывал. Я както ему предложил мол - давай я тебе дизайн нахуярю, ато уровни у тебя смотрятся стремно. А он мол - да не, я сам. И видимо сделал таки, но по титрам кажись ктото всетки допиливал оптимизацию ему, сомневаюсь что он сам бы допер, разве что клипов везде понаставил. Лучше бы Ronboy за карты отвечал (не за дизайн), у него они более менее стабильные, работают как по часам.

Кстати, кто нибудь понял в чем разница между дневными картами и ночными?
A jack of all trades, master of none. GtkRadiant and programming is my weak point.
Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 04 янв 2016 21:12
AidenDemon писал(а):
Кстати, кто нибудь понял в чем разница между дневными картами и ночными?

Here's the difference between the day and night modes:

    1. There are less soldiers during the night mode.
    2. There are more soldiers during the day mode.
    3. There are less zombies during the day mode.
    4. There are more zombies during the night mode.
    5. Soldiers use more silenced weapons during the night mode.
    6. Soldiers use more loud weapons during the day mode.

HellBaron писал(а):
Be careful with new 1.42d version! Iortcw 1.42d it's a little bugged yet, and some default shaders don't work ( invisible xlabs metal web floors and others..) and there are some little gliches on sounds on weapons, alarms and other things, but fortunately it is really playable and in a perfect 16:9 ratio. So it need a good test.

It sounds like the ioRTCW engine isn't quite ready to be used by mappers yet.
My Website: http://mikebwolf.wix.com/ronboyproductions

My Blogspot site with reviews of recent Rtcw Sp maps: http://ronboyreviews.blogspot.com/

Mod DB: https://www.moddb.com/members/ronboy
Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 04 янв 2016 21:25
I agree with Ron Boy.
Perhaps Titeuf-85 should expect a final version, before publishing his project.
Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 янв 2016 17:47
Unfortunately I did not have time to download the first publication of this project.
So I could not write my opinions and suggestions to point out errors and corrections.
I think the AidenDemon was very hard on your opinions and criticisms, but I understand, he was frustrated because the expectations that were created before the publication of the project.
I suggested to the author put his work to be tested for the team of this forum before to publish his work to avoid many errors, bugs and glitches.
Again I say to the author that this forum has many excellent testers and developers, who are always willing to help any RTCW custom mapper improve your final work.
I suggest also that Titeuf-85 not to weigh the criticisms and to continue his work to make Dark Army: Uprising project, an example to be followed.
Finally I want to add that my first map called "The Fortress" was panned mainly Kat (considered by me the best RTCW custom mapper), but this fact only encouraged me to continue and not give up.
Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 янв 2016 19:49
vicpas писал(а):
Unfortunately I did not have time to download the first publication of this project.
So I could not write my opinions and suggestions to point out errors and corrections.
I think the AidenDemon was very hard on your opinions and criticisms, but I understand, he was frustrated because the expectations that were created before the publication of the project.
I suggested to the author put his work to be tested for the team of this forum before to publish his work to avoid many errors, bugs and glitches.
Again I say to the author that this forum has many excellent testers and developers, who are always willing to help any RTCW custom mapper improve your final work.
I suggest also that Titeuf-85 not to weigh the criticisms and to continue his work to make Dark Army: Uprising project, an example to be followed.
Finally I want to add that my first map called "The Fortress" was panned mainly Kat (considered by me the best RTCW custom mapper), but this fact only encouraged me to continue and not give up.

True, Titeuf-85 need more concentrate on his modification, not on promotion or something. This is untold shame for little map pack like this, i think RonBoy must test this mod, it's his best!
A jack of all trades, master of none. GtkRadiant and programming is my weak point.
Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 янв 2016 21:00
AidenDemon писал(а):
True, Titeuf-85 need more concentrate on his modification, not on promotion or something. This is untold shame for little map pack like this, i think RonBoy must test this mod, it's his best!

I would gladly test it, but it would be better if others could test it as well. Leaving all testing to one person is not a good idea, after all.
My Website: http://mikebwolf.wix.com/ronboyproductions

My Blogspot site with reviews of recent Rtcw Sp maps: http://ronboyreviews.blogspot.com/

Mod DB: https://www.moddb.com/members/ronboy
Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 08 янв 2016 23:36
Tatiana писал(а):
Друзья, кто проходит данный мод, посмотрите, пожалуйста, 5 задание на 1 карте. Я не понимаю, что там написано, мелко. Слово...и....

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 09 янв 2016 00:08
Спасибо Horst. Хоть кто-то мне помог. А этот офицер, который наверху, ближе к выходу?
Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 09 янв 2016 13:56
Tatiana писал(а):
Спасибо Horst. Хоть кто-то мне помог. А этот офицер, который наверху, ближе к выходу?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 09 янв 2016 14:15
Horst, спасибо за помощь, попробую дальше разобраться, заново пройти, все так и сделала, а галочки нет. Не мод, а чистая беда)
Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 09 янв 2016 20:15
Tatiana писал(а):
Horst, спасибо за помощь, попробую дальше разобраться, заново пройти, все так и сделала, а галочки нет. Не мод, а чистая беда)

Если не ошибаюсь, там после убийства группы немцев в этой комнате нужно спуститься в подвал в люк справа (там где конец карты), напротив в комнате убить штурмовика, потом вернуться обтратно в комнату и только тогда появится этот оффицер.
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Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 фев 2016 19:02
The re-release of The Dark Army: Uprising has been delayed from February 20 to March 21. More information is here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/tda/news/news-036
My Website: http://mikebwolf.wix.com/ronboyproductions

My Blogspot site with reviews of recent Rtcw Sp maps: http://ronboyreviews.blogspot.com/

Mod DB: https://www.moddb.com/members/ronboy
Заголовок сообщения: Re: The Dark Army: Uprising | SP Standalone Modification (20
СообщениеДобавлено: 19 мар 2016 21:17
Автор сообщает о переносе релиза на май - месяц ..
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