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Заголовок сообщения: [HELP] Map Repair / files add to pk3 [1.0 mode]
СообщениеДобавлено: 19 фев 2021 01:53
I try to make the request comprehensively.

I started a server. An old Wolf map editor ('L0,) converted these maps from Single Player to multiplayer.
The maps work roughly and who are supplemented with small things. I would ask for help with 2 problems.

Problem 1:
I got the map files, but they are not in .pk3 format.
How is it possible .pk3 to make it work on the server?

Problem 2:
Weapons are scattered to maps. Which they are empty on the ground. How can I make their stuffed weapons?

+1 Problem:
There is no door open on some maps. They told me that if I can pack the corresponding files to PK3, it is possible to fix these bugs.

The question: how do you need?

PS: Upload 2 maps.
Village2 - Here are the weapons empty
BOSS2 - There is no voice of doors

Я начал сервер. Старый редактор карты Wolf Map ('l0) преобразовал эти карты от одного игрока в многопользовательскую.
Карты работают примерно, и которые дополняются небольшими вещами. Я бы попросил помощь с 2 проблемами.

Проблема 1:
Я получил файлы карты, но они не в формате .pk3.
Как это возможно .pk3 заставить его работать на сервере?

Проблема 2:
Оружие разбросаны на карты. Которые они пусты на земле. Как я могу сделать их чучело оружие?

+1 проблема:
На некоторых картах нет двери. Они сказали мне, что если я смогу упаковать соответствующие файлы в PK3, можно исправить эти ошибки.

Вопрос: Как вам нужно?

PS: загрузить 2 карты.
Village2 - вот оружие пусто
BOSS2 - нет голоса дверей

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: [HELP] Map Repair / files add to pk3 [1.0 mode]
СообщениеДобавлено: 19 фев 2021 18:49
1) Fact#1: Some of weapons what placed on maps are not exist in MP mode of game, example in village2.bsp you can found "weapon_sniperScope" what can work only in SP mode. Solution: rewrite this block with hex-editor program (do it carefully to not broke file.)
Fact#2: Weapon models in MP mode didn't have a pickupp version. I do not know if this is provided in the engine code? but it's can be easy verified. Solution: take pickupp models of weapon from sp pak and past in new pack with mp_ prefix in his name.

2) Sounds of doors writing in door entity in Radiant editor, if it's missed - it's not possible to add in compiled version of level, .bsp file. I look on boos2 level throught hex editor and all doors don't have writed sound line. If you have acces to level source .map, you can fix it, but not in .bsp file.

3) .pk3 filetype is basicaly just renamed .zip archive, more info about packing resource you can read from KatsBits tutorial
Заголовок сообщения: Re: [HELP] Map Repair / files add to pk3 [1.0 mode]
СообщениеДобавлено: 23 фев 2021 15:52
Yo$hik писал(а):
1) Fact#1: Some of weapons what placed on maps are not exist in MP mode of game, example in village2.bsp you can found "weapon_sniperScope" what can work only in SP mode. Solution: rewrite this block with hex-editor program (do it carefully to not broke file.)
Fact#2: Weapon models in MP mode didn't have a pickupp version. I do not know if this is provided in the engine code? but it's can be easy verified. Solution: take pickupp models of weapon from sp pak and past in new pack with mp_ prefix in his name.

2) Sounds of doors writing in door entity in Radiant editor, if it's missed - it's not possible to add in compiled version of level, .bsp file. I look on boos2 level throught hex editor and all doors don't have writed sound line. If you have acces to level source .map, you can fix it, but not in .bsp file.

3) .pk3 filetype is basicaly just renamed .zip archive, more info about packing resource you can read from KatsBits tutorial

About fact1, that's why both mp and sp take files from pak0, pickup weapons appears in case of death of player in both modes, those can be merged in others mp_pak.pk3 with the same order/folders of pak0. If you are using the base game, you don't need to copy them. This is only for who are making a stable individual mod that not requires original files. I really don't understand why the editor lacks of some tags with the presence of original assets.
Заголовок сообщения: Re: [HELP] Map Repair / files add to pk3 [1.0 mode]
СообщениеДобавлено: 23 янв 2022 14:48
i got new bsp and script files. now i'm trying to make a pk3 from the bsp and script files. this is important because i store them on the server and whoever has one can play, probably because of pak0. whoever is new and can't download it, gets thrown off the server. so i need to make it downloadable for the players. it's just so hard because i've never done this before.

(I tried this before but I don't think I found a good solution: http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.ph ... -converter)
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