a Mission Pack by Tef Johs

a Return to Castle Wolfenstein adventure


(C) 2002

(P) 2002

  Readme file; v.1.0 Sept. 30, 2002, by Tef Johs

Level Design, Scripting, Terrain Creation, Camera Direction and Original Plotline developed by

Tore H. "Tef Johs" Johansen


(C) 2002 All Rights Reserved



March 4, 1944

Somewhere on the outskirts of Nazi Occupied Europe

You are B. J. Blazkowicz, promoted Captain of the US Army Rangers. You are one of the most brave and experienced men of the Allied Forces of World War II. 

You are given only the most dangerous of assignments, and this time they have found something really appropriate for you. They are sending you on a special Covert Operation far into Nazi occupied territory. 

Alone, you will have to penetrate a hidden Nazi stronghold, going only by the name of the 'Outpost'. Your main mission objective is: To locate and eliminate one of the Nazi legion's most dangerous leaders. 

An officer who survived the fall of Castle Wolfenstein.

His name is Oberst Bertrand B. Vorsichtig.



Game: Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Gray Matter Studios/id Software) (C) 2001.

Mission Pack name: Operation Vorsichtig

Author: Tore H. Johansen ("Tef Johs")

e-mail of author: thajohan@online.no

Web Page: http://www.ntnu.no/~torej

Number of levels in mission pack: 6

Level names: 1. Arrival  2. Nazi Plateau  3. Lost Castle  4. Scientific Surrender  5. Dimmer Ground.  6. Departure

Editors and programs used during development:

- Wolf Radiant (almost all of basic architecture and texturing)

- GtkRadiant v.1.2.10 (entities and game play work)

- Programmer's File Editor (all scripting and text file work)

- Paintshop Pro 7.0 (heightmaps for terrains, texture- and various art-work)

- EasyGen v.1.2 (terrain- and alpha maps creation)

- Notepad (.menu and .txt files, and some .shader work)

- MS Frontpage 2000 (this documentation)

All levels compiled at full vis, and with light -extra switch enabled, for maximum speed of play and smoothness to the eye.



  • Play while dark outside, or in a darkened room. The experience is much, much better. Enjoy the full potential of the graphics!
  • Let the atmosphere grab you! Don't rush into new areas, shooting like a savage! Work like a real soldier!
  • Use stealth whenever you feel you can, listen to the accompanying music to assess if stealth is plausible.
  • Using stealth may enable you to overhear conversations that in some instances actually reveal clues of upcoming events.
  • At the start of the introduction level, as you obtain control of Blazcowicz, remember to press 'N' to see the current mission objective.
  • Press 'N' at the start of each new "stage", and also whenever you see the notebook update icon at the bottom of the screen. This signalizes that an objective has been completed. You must complete all objectives listed in the notebook to exit a particular stage.
  • Look for secrets; there are some that are very helpful to your mission. Secrets are always indicated in one way or another. Try kicking or shooting at suspicious parts of walls or even behind banners or flags.
  • This mission is not particularily difficult, so don't give up. A real soldier would never give up, no matter the hopelessness of his circumstances. The health pack you are desperately seeking may just be around the corner.
  • Read all clipboards that you encounter. They contain plotline clues, and will tell you everything you need to know about your mission, and about the whereabouts of the man you're ultimately seeking: Oberst Vorsichtig.

I wish you Good Luck on your Mission. You will need it.