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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 авг 2015 02:20
Another History of Wolfenstein.
Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3:
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 авг 2015 03:28
The abandoned single player portion of Wolf ET has always interested me. It was intriguing to see a few screenshots of it (in the second video).
Thanks for sharing, Vicpas. :D
My Website: http://mikebwolf.wix.com/ronboyproductions

My Blogspot site with reviews of recent Rtcw Sp maps: http://ronboyreviews.blogspot.com/

Mod DB: https://www.moddb.com/members/ronboy
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 авг 2015 20:38
Ron Boy писал(а):
The abandoned single player portion of Wolf ET has always interested me. It was intriguing to see a few screenshots of it (in the second video).





Hm, interesting, I didn’t know that single player part of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory planned as a tactical shooter.

As has been mentioned in earlier previews, Enemy Territory takes place one year before the events of Return to Castle Wolfenstein. You still play as the hero BJ Blazkowicz, though since the game is a prequel, BJ isn't a member of the OSS yet. Instead, he's the leader of a group of US Army Rangers who are sent on sensitive missions to disrupt Nazi operations during the early parts of World War II. This campaign, spread across 20 individual missions, has a distinctly multiplayer flavor to it. That's because BJ will be accompanied by six bot-controlled squadmates, all of whom will vary in their specialties according to their character class. Your first mission will take you to the ruins of ancient Egypt, where Nazi soldiers have supposedly kidnapped an Allied scientist in an attempt to use his knowledge of the arcane for their purposes. Apparently, however, even though the subject matter within the game will often cover areas like the undead, the enemies that you'll encounter in Enemy Territory are strictly of the living, breathing variety.
Before every mission, you choose which of these Rangers you want to take with you, and within the actual level, you can issue various commands to them, like ordering the medic to heal you or asking for ammo, just as if you were chatting with human-controlled players in multiplayer. You can take more Rangers with you on some missions than you can on others, and for the most part, they're perfectly capable of defending themselves without your input, though you will need to issue mission-critical commands to some of these bots. Many areas, for example, are blocked by doors or other barriers, and in situations like this, you'll have to actively order your engineer to clear the path before being able to move on.


Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory offers gamers a unique, squad-based single player game, enlisting players as the leader of an elite Allied force throughout a series of mission-based scenarios that range from Western Europe to the deserts of Egypt. Players must tactically command their troops through hostile enemy positions to accomplish specific mission objectives, while also ensuring the survival of key team members. Throughout the game, veteran squad leaders earn additional skills and gain equipment via field promotions that remain persistent across several maps. Armed with devastating weaponry and innovative command and communication functions, gamers must pursue and confront the insidious Third Reich and the products of its experimentation with the Occult and paranormal.

Что касается single-player варианта, то здесь вам придётся выступить в роли лидера подразделения из пяти человек. Будут представлены несколько сценариев, и связанные сюжетной линией миссии, которые будут проходить в различных уголках земли - от Восточной Европы до Египта. Вам предстоит не только выполнять определённые поставленные задачи, но и сохранять в живых ключевых членов вашего подразделения, так что простого геймплея ожидать не приходится.
В процессе прохождения игры ветераны отряда набирают дополнительный опыт, а также обзаводятся различным оборудованием и вооружением. Сюжет игры в общем-то, похож на отражение заданий Return To Castle Wolfenstein - борьба с оккультными и паранормальными исследованиями Третьего рейха.
В процессе игры каждый из членов отряда будет вам весьма необходим - кто-то обеспечивает огневую поддержку, кто-то крадёт вражескую униформу и производит рекогносцировку местности, кто-то устанавливает мины и наоборот, занимается разминированием проходов.

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 авг 2015 21:20
Anybody here knows.
Why the single player mode for Enemy Territory was canceled?
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 авг 2015 22:21
vicpas писал(а):
Anybody here knows.
Why the single player mode for Enemy Territory was canceled?

The following statement was released by id Software to explain the cancellation: "Despite a strong effort from talented developers, the single-player portion of the game did not progress as anticipated. Canceling the release was a difficult decision made in the best interest of the Wolfenstein franchise and fans. However, we remain excited about the progress and direction of Enemy Territory's multiplayer."
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 13 авг 2015 23:31
I think this cancellation was caused by fear of something better, since the multiplayer mode was a tremendous success.
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 авг 2015 06:08
Ну епрст, выпустили бы тогда исходники этих карт
Официальный сайт Project-X

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 авг 2015 12:44
Eugeny писал(а):
Ну епрст, выпустили бы тогда исходники этих карт

Может и выпустили (сами карты). Сингл ЕТ закрыли в феврале 2003, а в том же году вышли консольные RTCW: Tides of War (Xbox, 06.05.03) и RTCW: Operation Resurrection (PSP2, 26.05.03) с бонусными уровнями.
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 авг 2015 14:55
Shurr is right, it looks like the levels that would be for the ET single player.It was reused on the consoles.
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 15 авг 2015 00:13
vicpas писал(а):
Anybody here knows.
Why the single player mode for Enemy Territory was canceled?

Actually, I read somewhere that ET's single player portion was canceled because of difficulties with bot navigation in the maps. Unfortunately, I can't remember where I read this information. :(
My Website: http://mikebwolf.wix.com/ronboyproductions

My Blogspot site with reviews of recent Rtcw Sp maps: http://ronboyreviews.blogspot.com/

Mod DB: https://www.moddb.com/members/ronboy
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 сен 2015 03:52
RTCW Scenarics shown in other angles:
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 06 окт 2015 18:51
RTCW on E3 2001:
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 06 окт 2015 23:33
vicpas писал(а):
RTCW on E3 2001

Nice video, Vicpas. I noticed that the gameplay and animations were different. Maybe this was the alpha/demo version of Rtcw?
My Website: http://mikebwolf.wix.com/ronboyproductions

My Blogspot site with reviews of recent Rtcw Sp maps: http://ronboyreviews.blogspot.com/

Mod DB: https://www.moddb.com/members/ronboy
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 07 окт 2015 00:22
Yes, it has some differences. Maybe it be demo for presentation.
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Videos and Tributes
СообщениеДобавлено: 08 дек 2015 22:20
Video with some Wallpapers:
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